Organizational Office Hours
Gain valuable insights from an organizational effectiveness expert in the Office of Strategic Consulting. We offer office hours to faculty and staff at no cost. Request your no-commitment, no-cost consultation today.
The Challenge
Becoming an effective leader is not something you simply “achieve” and then your work is done. Your organization and workforce are constantly evolving, which requires you to continually evolve as a leader as well. This requires intentionality, agility, time, and space (physical and mental) to reflect on your strengths as a leader and determine where and how you can build on those strengths.
How We Can Help
We use proven coaching techniques and candid feedback to guide you through a process of reflection and discovery to define your goals.
We work with you to develop action steps to meet those goals.
Throughout the coaching process, we teach you to challenge your beliefs and test your assumptions.
What You Can Expect
Strategic Consulting’s leadership coaching is a highly personalized experience, tailored to your unique needs and goals. It promotes personal discovery and growth through conversations and activities designed to help you work towards established objectives. A typical coaching engagement consists of one or two sessions per month (we recommend a minimum of six sessions). However, this can be customized to accommodate your schedule and goals.
Coaching Is:
- A process that empowers you to maximize your personal and professional potential.
- Guidance to help you uncover and build on your strengths.
- Exploring how you’ve found success in the past and defining what future success looks like to you.
- Exploring new ways of thinking (while uncovering limiting beliefs).
- Experimenting with new ways of working and doing.
- A collaborative, positive partnership.
- Sensitive and confidential.
Coaching Isn't:
- Focused on the individual without considering the organizational goals.
- Career counseling.
- Therapy, or for those in crisis or experiencing trauma.
- A short-term solution for a specific work problem.
- Mentoring.
- Assigning tasks and goals or telling you what to do.
- Giving expert advice or opinions.
- A fix for performance issues.
Interested in Sponsoring Coaching for Your Organization’s Leaders?
Many campus departments choose to sponsor coaching for their emerging leaders. Sponsorship is a great way to invest in and support your employees in their professional and personal development. Leadership coaching is not appropriate or effective in cases where it is mandated, Human Resources is involved for employee or employer concerns, or the individual is in crisis. In cases of crisis or trauma, please contact the Employee Assistance Office for support. Coaching relationships are confidential; coaches will not report out to sponsors.
Professional Coaches
Internal Consultant
Senior Internal Consultant

What Our Clients Are Saying
The [Office of Strategic Consulting] Leadership Coaching has provided me with an outside and fresh perspective that has helped me strengthen my leadership skills specifically in areas like self/other awareness, leveraging strengths, cultivating empathy, and executive presence. As a result, I have been able to better strategize my leadership expertise and strengths to effectively overcome potential challenges. I am grateful for this opportunity.